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Video Tutorials

Visit our YouTube Channel for everything about the installation, settings, tips, usage, and troubleshooting of our ELEKTRA Electric Combi Boilers.

Videos for the ELEKTRA SMART Compact Boilers

ELEKTRA Smart Settings

ELEKTRA Smart Settings

This video shows how to operate and change settings on an ELEKTRA Smart Combi Boiler.

Smart Boilers Videos

How to change to SUMMER or WINTER mode

for ELEKTRA SMART Combi Boilers.

Summer Mode: hot water ON, no central heating.

Winter Mode: central heating and hot water ON.

Smart Boilers Videos

How to change to ECO or COMFORT mode

for ELEKTRA SMART BPC and BPL Boilers.

ECO Mode: the boiler heats the water inside the in-built cylinder (37.5lts) once this water is used, the boiler will take about 20 minutes to reheat the water in the in-built cylinder. The central heating is not affected.

COMFORT Mode: on-demand hot water. the water in the in-built cylinder is heated at the same time it is used. The central heating is not affected.
